I really like the close knit integration than ever between PWA and project sites now in Project Server 2013. However, one of the minor annoyances I found when using Project Server 2013, was that when in a Project Site, there is no easy way to get back to PWA Home Page.

One way around this is to click on the “Project Details” link from within Project Site, and then the menu for the PWA Homepage appears, and from there you could navigate back to PWA Home page.

However, for new users this might be confusing. What the users are generally used to seeing is something similar to this, for example, in Project Server 2010.

So, how can you enable a similar flexibility in Project Server 2013?
Well, you take advantage of the “Edit Links” option on the Top Link Bar for the project site. Here is how to use it.
· Click on EDIT LINKS

· Now Click on Link

· This opens a dialog box, where you can add the link. Fill in the details as shown, and Click OK.

· Click Save.

· Now, the PWA Home Link is shown as below on the Project Site, allowing you to navigate back to PWA Home page, without any confusion.

The next logical step is to do it on a site, and make that site the default template for all your projects (More on this topic coming soon).
Hope this helps!!

One way around this is to click on the “Project Details” link from within Project Site, and then the menu for the PWA Homepage appears, and from there you could navigate back to PWA Home page.

However, for new users this might be confusing. What the users are generally used to seeing is something similar to this, for example, in Project Server 2010.

So, how can you enable a similar flexibility in Project Server 2013?
Well, you take advantage of the “Edit Links” option on the Top Link Bar for the project site. Here is how to use it.
· Click on EDIT LINKS

· Now Click on Link

· This opens a dialog box, where you can add the link. Fill in the details as shown, and Click OK.

· Click Save.

· Now, the PWA Home Link is shown as below on the Project Site, allowing you to navigate back to PWA Home page, without any confusion.

The next logical step is to do it on a site, and make that site the default template for all your projects (More on this topic coming soon).
Hope this helps!!
December 18, 2015 at 8:15 pm
Great idea!
April 19, 2017 at 6:09 am
Very useful; thanks!