Think EPM

My Ideas, Tips and Tricks about Enterprise Project Portfolio Management using Microsoft technologies



InspireX: Post-Conference Thoughts, demo files and more

Exactly a week ago, I attended the inaugural user conference for Nintex users and partners, called InspireX. First of all a big Kudos to the team that I am sure put in countless hours of work for this event, and… Continue Reading →

Speaking at InspireX, the Nintex user Conference!

All of you who read my blog, or follow me elsewhere on social media probably know that I am a huge fan of Nintex, the workflow product. Now I am a Project and Project Server guy, so what would I… Continue Reading →

Automating the Check-In of projects checked out for too long with #Nintex

One of the most common system governance items for Project Server Admins is the handling of the projects that have been checked out for too long. I have discussed the reasons why projects need to be checked in timely, here…. Continue Reading →

Tip: Email Subscriptions for Excel Services Reports with #Nintex

It is a common request from senior management and executives that the reports be emailed to them, as attachments, instead of them having to go to a specific link and check it out. This helps them in scenarios like access… Continue Reading →

Build an Audit Log for Project Server Changes with Nintex

If you are Project Server Admin, at one time or the other, I am sure you felt the need to have an audit tracking of all the changes being made to the configuration of Project Server. This includes changes to… Continue Reading →

Create a Department Vacation Calendar from #ProjectServer Timesheets and #Nintex

A few months ago, I was working with a Project Manager, who was very upset. Work on his project was delayed, because one of the critical resources assigned to it went on vacation without informing the PM. I immediately checked… Continue Reading →

Workaround: Resending a Lazy Approval Email in Nintex Workflow

If you are using Nintex for your Project Server Gate Approvals (or any other SharePoint Workflows), it is very likely that you are using Lazy Approval feature, which allows users to respond to the approval request by replying to an… Continue Reading →

Capturing Project Data Snapshot with Nintex Workflow

One of the common requirements of many organizations is take a snapshot of the project data during the lifecycle of a project, at a certain approval point. This data can then be used for many purposes as to develop reports… Continue Reading →

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