Think EPM

My Ideas, Tips and Tricks about Enterprise Project Portfolio Management using Microsoft technologies



Speaking at PMI Baltimore PDE 2018

For the 4th year in a row, I am honored to present the following session at PMI Baltimore for their Professional Development Day 2018. If you are in that area, please be sure to join me. The topics I will… Continue Reading →

Speaking at Microsoft Ignite

A little late,  but just a quick post to say that I am excited to be presenting a Community Theater session at Microsoft Ignite. If you have even the slightest interest in using workflows in your Project Server/Project Online environments,… Continue Reading →

Speaking at InspireX, the Nintex user Conference!

All of you who read my blog, or follow me elsewhere on social media probably know that I am a huge fan of Nintex, the workflow product. Now I am a Project and Project Server guy, so what would I… Continue Reading →

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Just a quick post about couple of speaking engagements, that I have coming up. April 17-18, 2015: PMI Baltimore Professional Development Event I will be presenting at PMI Baltimore on April 18th, on the following two topics:   Killer Reports… Continue Reading →

Speaking at Project Conference 2014 #ProjConf

After a relaxing and awesome vacation (which also felt painfully short), I am ready to jump back into the Project and Project Server world. And what better way to do it, than to express my excitement at being selected to… Continue Reading →

SharePoint Saturday Michigan Follow-Up

Thank you all, who attended my session at SharePoint Saturday Michigan, last Saturday. It was fun to be back in the town of my previous life, and get to talk to a highly interactive group. As promised, here are the… Continue Reading →

Winter is coming.. with more Project..

To borrow a line from the “Game of Thrones”, Winter is coming… However, in this context with a lot of MS Project Knowledge going around.. Just wanted to quickly list all my upcoming speaking engagements. If you get a chance,… Continue Reading →

Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Columbus

Quick post to announce that, I will be presenting an end user track at SharePoint Saturday Columbus on  Saturday, September 14, 2013. My session would be on the topic “Mission Possible: 5 Killer real-world Reports, you can build in 15… Continue Reading →

More Speaking… More Project..

Looks like the months of May and June are going to be busy. Just wanted to let you know about couple more speaking engagements coming up, where I will be talking about Project and Project Server 2013. If you happen… Continue Reading →

Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Chicago Suburbs #SPSChicagoBurbs #ProjectServer2013

Quick post to announce that, I will be presenting at SharePoint Saturday Chicago Suburbs on  Saturday, June 1, 2013. My session would be on the topic “Reports, Dashboards and all that Jazz with SharePoint and Project Server 2013″.This session will… Continue Reading →

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