Have you every wondered if there was an easy way to create a project status report for your executive or leadership team? This is especially true when you are already maintaining the data in Project Online and hate to re-enter… Continue Reading →
A little late, but just a quick post to say that I am excited to be presenting a Community Theater session at Microsoft Ignite. If you have even the slightest interest in using workflows in your Project Server/Project Online environments,… Continue Reading →
Just a quick post to let you all know that there are two new courses available for Microsoft Project and PPM on eDX. Managing Projects with Microsoft Project Managing Projects & Portfolios with Microsoft PPM Both the courses are available… Continue Reading →
If you have not heard already, Microsoft announced last week a new product called Flow, which is very similar to IFTTT or Zapier. Flow connects to Microsoft products like Office 365 and OneDrive; third-party platforms such as Twitter, Dropbox, MailChimp,… Continue Reading →
Recently there was a question in the TechNet Forums, about creating a Project Server Workflow. The basic problem in summary was this: “How do you trigger an approval workflow for a Project, every time the Project Finish date is changed,… Continue Reading →
If you have not been closely following MS Ignite 2015, there is a chance you missed one of the key feature announcements, which is that Project Online is going to get a new feature called Resource Engagements. This, in my… Continue Reading →
As you can see from my previous post, I am currently obsessed with easier ways of navigation across the system in Project Server 2013/Project Online. So, here goes one more tip in that same vein. I am surprised, as… Continue Reading →
In previous versions of Project Server, you were able to get to the Project Site from the Project Center, without actually having to open the project itself. All you had to do was highlight the project name and click on… Continue Reading →
Recently a question came up, where a user changed the Default theme on Project Online (Site Settings >> Change the look), to something else. Then when they wanted to bring back the default theme, it was no where to… Continue Reading →
A common requirement for PMOs is to be able to capture key Project Level data, as the project moves along in the workflow, and to be able to do a trend analysis as to how the Project Budget has… Continue Reading →
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